Internet Download Manager 6.28 Build 6 Final + Portable + Patch!!

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السبت، 29 أبريل 2017

Internet Download Manager 6.28 Build 6 Final + Portable + Patch!!

What’s new in version 6.28 Build 6
– Fixed bugs

Internet Download Manager is software that helps you while you are downloading games or any file from the Internet, increasing the download speed up to five times. But this is not the only feature that this complete tool provides. You can resume, or even schedule when the program has to start getting something. As well as this, if you have any kind of connection problems, such as network problems, unexpected power outages, computer shutdowns or lost connections, it will restart the interrupted process.
Internet Download Manager, or IDM (as other users prefer to call it), works in a very interesting way: it segments the game or the file that you want to get and saves the parts the program has already transferred. In this way, it can guarantee you high-speed performance and a very good final result. It supports firewalls, redirects, proxy servers, cookies, authorization, ftp and http protocols, MPEG video, and MP3 audio. It can be integrated into the commonest browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer and Opera, and it can also be incorporated into other less-used ones such as Netscape, Avant Browser or MyIE2.
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